Extreme Fishing with Nuno Silva

Standing on rocks in the ocean which he accesses with help of a body board, Nuno Silva fishing for sea bass. His extreme technique caught our attention and he is now the first fishermen in our ambassador team. 


Where did you grow up and where do you live now?

I grew up in Francelos a small place that is near the city Vila Nova de Gaia. Now I am  living in the same place where I grew up …

What was it like growing up there?
– Francelos is a small place that belongs to the parish of Gulpilhares, in the outskirts of Vila Nova de Gaia, bathed by the Atlantic Ocean. Here we have very rich fishing spots. The beach has always been part of my life. I have always lived near the sea, its like my second home. I am very proud to be part of this small community. Vila Nova de Gaia is well known worldwide for the production and storage of OPorto Wine.

Your way of fishing is pretty special, please tell us bout it?
Yes it is, this fishing style is unusual and unique around the world. I fish in spots where normally no one goes, where the conditions are extreme and therefore a good physical and mental preparation is necessary. Any carelessness can cost a very high price in one´s safety. My fishing spots are in the middle of the ocean, 200 meters from the coast or more. I use an adapted bodyboard board  to go to the fishing spots, on which I  carry the fishing rod and the remaining material. The fishing style that I practice is done with artificial baits. I choose the fishing spots due to some factors, sea state, wind, currents, water temperature and water color, all these factors are decisive for a successful fishing session.


How did it all start?
The passion for this extreme style of fishing began in April 2012, I was unemployed and had the need to be active in my free time. It all happened after seeing two friend of mine returning from their fishing as they had been practicing this style of fishing, and at that moment I thought to myself, “One day I have to try this”. It did not take a long time, because a week later I was already on the rocks 200 meters from the coast. The first months were really difficult because I had to learn everything practically alone. In this extreme style of fishing it is difficult to improve, it takes many hours of practice to have positive results.

You have been doing some surfing as well right?
I started surfing when I was 13/14 years, only in the summer with friends, but when I turned 20, I bought my first board a  7.6 “, I still have it at home. Surfing was my great passion for many years and I gradually stopped practicing it  when I started fishing.  But it is a little crater that is asleep … once surfer, forever a surfer …..

Have you ever experienced any contradictions between surfers and fishermen?
Yes, in some places there is great rivalry between fishermen and surfers, that is because the sea bass, one of the largest predators of the Northern Coast of Portugal, is also a frequent user of the swell places, where they try to catch the fish. I personally fish in places where it is not possible to surf, because there are rocks, but I am aware of some confusion in other places in the coast. I hope that being ambassador of SurfEars and the only fisherman among athletes, I can  be an important link between these two fantastic activities.


Why are you an ambassador for SurfEars and how did that relationship begin?
I found the SurfEars in the internet, and at the same time  I thought:  this is something I can use in my extreme fishing sessions. Protecting the ears from salt water is very important to prevent serious injuries. While wearing this protection  I can hear the environment around me which is very important as well as communicate with  friends. Another very important thing is the SurfEars don’t affect the balance. Being one of the  SurfEars ambassadores in the world is a great honor, it’s fantastic for me to be next to one of my idols and the living legend of Surf the great Sir Tom Carrol.

Do you have other skill sets or areas of passion?
– My other passions are my family, my two kids Gonçalo and Maria and of course Mónica my partner for  the last 20 years. Sometimes I Know it is difficult for my family to wait hours and hours for me, when  I am in  the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Birds are another passion since I was a  kid.
Children are also a passion, my work is in maintaining a school since 2014. The school has children from the age of 1 to the age of 9. It is a fantastic experience, every day I feel I learn something new which makes me a better person. It is very easy to learn with children, just be one of them ….
And of course I have a big passion for the Ocean, its  smell, the sound of the water and the tranquillity. When I get back from 4 or more hour’s of a Extreme fishing session, it’s a spiritual connection.

What does your ideal day look like?
An ideal day for fishing, is to wake up before sunrise on a windless day, with waves of 1 meter, clean water and oxygenated, some good friends and of course some fish in the line. A perfect day is the essence of our existence!
