Tom and Kobi introducing SurfEars JUNIOR

The next evolution of ear plugs for young surfers and swimmers is now available. Introducing SurfEars JUNIOR – developed for children and designed to keep their ears safe while being able to hear, speak and enjoy their time in the water. 

Surfer’s ear is something all of us are prone to; an inconvenient truth of being wave-riding addicts. The next evolution of ear plugs for young surfers and swimmers is now available, so we can keep more surfers in the water and less surfers under the knife.

Here introduced by 2-times-World-Champ Tom Carroll and the young charger Kobi Clements. Video produced in conjunction with our eminent distributor Creatures of Leisure, thanks to who JUNIOR are now (hopefully) available in your local surf shop. 

Video by Tyler Bell, edit by Wyatt Davies in conjunction with Creatures of Leisure.