Photo credits:

Portrait taken by Warren Keelan

Philip Thurston

Ocean Photographer, Ulladulla, Australia

Having been immersed in and around the ocean since I was a frothing grom, ocean photography became a natural attraction to me in my later teenage years and twenties. The energy and experience that the breaking wave provides to me, is one of the most beautiful displays of nature and to be able to capture it and share it with an appreciative audience has developed into a growing passion and career for me. Alongside passion and consistent dedication, as well as having a few of my images win international awards and recognition, ocean & nature photography has become a sustainable career for me and it’s a real privilege to be able to do what I call “Turning Energy into Art.” I appreciate all the support from people that follow my work and companies like SurfEars that invest into people that go out and capture the beauty of creation!

I wish surf ears were around when i was growing up! Would of saved me lots of sticky situations using Blu-tak and whatever other goo I could find to stuff my ears with on those cold, windy winter mornings! SurfEars are a reusable, quality and very functional solution to preventing the painful development of Surfers Ear; a common threat to us ocean lovers!