Iñaki Gainza

Kitesurfer, Roses, Spain

I’m a 17 years old pro kiteboarder, I’ve been to many diferent places like Brazil, Hawaii, Hood River or Cape Town either to compete or to train. My best results so far are: 1st at the Spanish Cup in 2015, 2nd at the Spanish championship in 2015, 6th at the junior pkra 2014 and 4th at the european cup EJKC 2014. This year I’m looking forward to competing in more international contests and to travel to different places.

Honestly, as I’m an athlete who has surfer ear, the opportunity that SurfEars has brought me is completely beyond description. They provide a maximum comfort while riding and a huge performance in order to keep the ear out of water without having to sacrifice the hearing, this fact is really important to the riders that are using them because it allows us to keep that extra sense we need while performing next level tricks.