Gabriella Lupini

Stand Up Paddle Surfer, Cape Town, South Africa

I am a stand up paddle boarder, im 17 years old and I live in llandudno, Cape Town, South Africa. I am currently placed 1st out of the junior girls and 9th in the ladies in South Africa for stand up paddle board wave riding. I am the youngest girl that competes. I also placed second out of the junior ladies for a national race competition of 6km and 1st for the junior girls in the 2km sprint. I compete in races and wave competitions as often as possible and I SUP-Surf almost every day. I also competed in my first WP long boarding championships and placed 3rd in the semi finals. I am sponsered by Red Paddle Co., Wetsac, liquid blast, sikkshades, Sirensong wetsuits and SurfEars. My passion is for the ocean and everything to do with it! So get out there and enjoy it…

SurfEars plugs are the best surf earplugs on the market. They do the perfect job of keeping your inner ear dry while still allowing for hearing! I love using my plugs every time I go in the ocean, and all my friends that I surf with use them to!