Chelsea Roett rocks SurfEars!




During our recent trip to Barbados we hooked up with local surfing talent Chelsea Roett and snapped some pictures for Surfears.


Hi Chelsea,

We’re stoked to have you as our featured athlete!

Now, tell us a little more about yourself


How old are you? 

I’m 19 years old.


When did you start surfing and how did it all begin? 

I started surfing at 10 years old on one of my dad’s surfboards, but only started surfing competitively at 12 years old.


How has growing up in Barbados affected you and your surfing?

Growing up in Barbados has been great, on a small island I can always find waves to surf, it’s the perfect surfing training spot, I surf every day as there are always waves.



What are your goals and dreams going forward?

I would love to make it to the ASP World Junior Surfing Championships, and then on to the ASP Women’s World Tour.


What are the main challenges of being/becoming a pro surfer? 

My main challenge is the expense of traveling.  Most of the contests are in other countries and therefore I have no choice but to fly from Barbados which makes the cost of getting to the contests expensive, and of course then there is the cost of accommodation and transport while I am there.  Sometimes we stay with friends, when possible, but we can’t get away from the airfare and board fees on the flights.




What do you do when you don’t surf?

When I am not surfing I am either hanging out with my friends, or studying, as I am at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, studying Management Marketing.


What do you think about our product, SurfEars?

SurfEars are a fantastic product, when I wear them surfing no water gets in my ears and I can still hear everything perfectly around me and it does not affect my balance in any way.  I recommend SurfEars to everyone especially water athletes like surfers, swimmers, divers, sailors anyone who wants to prevent water from entering their ears.


Last but not least, any wise words for all surfers out there?

Keep it fun, enjoy surfing and always follow your dreams.












